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Five Types of People

There are five types of people in this world: Creators, Builders, Maintainers, Survivors and Destroyers.  Learn who they are, how to work, live and exist with them.




Typically the CEOs, entrepreneurs, strategy leaders and inventors of our world. They generate the ideas. They have the vision and the dreams.




The people that take the ideas and vision and dreams and turn them into reality.



The people that take over after the builders. They keep the business running and operating successfully. They manage the process and the flow and the SLAs.




Typically retired people or persons on welfare or services that are consumers, but not producers.




These people have a negative impact on society, people and the environment.





1.  Overview of 5 Types

2.  Creators

3.  Builders

4.  Maintainers

5.  Survivors

6.  Destroyers

7.  What are you?  What is your boss?

8.  Working with each type

9.  Creators to Creators, Creators to Builders, Creators to Maintainers

10.  Builders to Creators, Builders to Builders, Builders to Maintainers

11.  Maintainers to Creators, Maintainers to Builders, Maintainers to Maintainers.




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